La Cité Maraîchère publiée dans le magasine A&C Korea
Notre projet la Cité Maraîchère a été publié dans A&C magazine Korea , dans le numéro de juin 2023.
Notre projet la Cité Maraîchère a été publié dans A&C magazine Korea , dans le numéro de juin 2023.
Notre travail sur la cité maraîchère de Romainville est à l'honneur à l'occasion de l'exposition "Les jardins du Grand Paris depuis le XIXe siècle", du 13/10/2022 au 25/06/2023, au Musée d'Histoire Urbaine et Sociale de Suresnes.
L'agence a désormais la qualification Pro-Paille!
Retrouvez tous nos projets sur le shazam de l’architecture, Share is More !
Nous sommes retenus à concourir pour la conception d’une Maison des Sports de Combat (MSC) à Saumur (49) !
Maitrise d'ouvrage : Ville de Saumur
Maîtrise d'œuvre : ilimelgo (architectes) / Betom (BET TCE) / CDLP (économiste) / Cap Terre (BET HQE)
L'agence est lauréate pour la construction de 31 logements locatifs à Pacé (35) !
Maîtrise d'ouvrage : Néotoa
Maîtrise d'œuvre : ilimelgo (architectes) / SoLab (BET fluides et thermique) / Ouest Structure (BET structure) / Cabinet Lemonnier (économiste)
ilimelgo recherche une/un stagiaire à Rennes et à Paris !
Nous sommes actuellement à la recherche d’un stagiaire afin d’assister l’équipe sur les différents projets en cours. Vous serez également amenés à travailler sur notre recherche et développement qui porte sur les matériaux biosourcés.
Envoyer votre candidature (CV, Portfolio + lettre de motivation) à :
Renseignements complémentaires au (Paris) et (Rennes)
Le replay de notre conférence "Concevoir des climats" dans le cadre des Entretiens de Chaillot, enregistré le 14 février dernier à la Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine.
L'agence ilimelgo aura l'honneur de présenter son travail le lundi 14 février prochain lors d'une conférence à l’auditorium de la Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine à Paris.
Plus d'informations ici.
La Cité Maraîchère de Romainville fait partie des 40 projets shortlistés à travers l'Europe pour le EU Mies Award 2022 !
Découverte des entrepots Murébois à l'Hermitage près de Rennes, dans le cadre d'une visite organisée par Fibois Bretagne.
On y conçoit et assemble chaque année près de 45 000 m² de murs à ossature bois, avec une fabrication semi-industrielle.
Une visite enrichissante !
Riche présentation de ce matériau biosourcé par Yannick LEHAGRE de LB Eco Habitat: enduits terre, chaux sable, et différentes mises en oeuvre qu'on a hâte de manipuler dans le projet. Le chanvre n'a ( presque) plus de secrets pour l'équipe d'ilimelgo.
La Cité maraîchère à l'honneur dans le cadre d'un reportage France 3 pour l'émission "Météo à la carte" !
Notre bâtiment de la cité maraichère de Romainville à la loupe des rendez-vous critiques de la Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine.
Isabelle Regnier, Richard Scoffier, Sophie Trelcat, Philippe Trétiack ouvrent le débat, avec Francis Rambert, sur l’actualité architecturale.
Mies van der Rohe Award 2022 nomination !
We are pleased to announce that La Cité Maraîchère de Romainville has been nominated to the EU Mies Award 2022 discerned by the Mies Van der Rohe foundation!
It is a joy to be named one of the « 100 people who make the city " along with all its inspiring and committed professionals that make up the list. A huge thank to Traits urbains – Innovapresse to have selected me for that 2020 edition.
Congratulatiosn to the ilimelgo team and our partners as we are more than 100 professionals who work daily for a happier brighter future.
The Europan’s jury honoured 3 out of 31 projects in relation to the Romainville site.
Congratulations to the two other teams honoured :
Atelier Formalocal (honour)
Studio Cross Scale (Special honour)
There were no Prizes won but it started a conversation between the teams and city that had been ongoing since 2020.
Valérian Amalric (ilimelgo), Théodore Badia-Berger (Badia Berger Architects) and Benoît Galan (EDF) answer Innovapresse’s questions about « Mantes Innovaparc » project.
Laying the pre-walls underway at the City Event Hall, the room takes shape
This morning the mayoress, Corinne Valls, with her team and partners, were present for laying of the first stone at the Vertical Farm. This event marks a new stape and the prospect of a bright future ahead.
Mounting the crane at the City Event Hall
We were today at the inauguration of Ifsttar’s Sense city climatic mini-city. On this occasion, demonstrations took place inside the building: they made rain and good weather on the mini-city.
The whole team wishes you a happy new year 2018 !
We are laureates of Inventons la Métropole du Grand Paris (Métropole du Grand Paris and Grand Paris Express) with Miralles Tagliabue EMBT and Pichet Group for the Center’Halle project in Clichy-sous-bois Montfermeil!
Team : Land’Act, Etamine, Ecotech, Terreauciel, La SAUGE, Etudes et Chantiers Ile-de-France
The construction site of the climatic room under the sun !
ilimelgo wishes you all the best for this new year !
The vertical farm on Design Boom, in the top 10 most read articles of 2016, social impact category. By this way !
The construction of the climatic mini-city is progressing !
It was yesterday in Paris, the inauguration of the first consumer safe room in France. Also called supervised injection room, we are proud to have participated in the development and construction of this project carried by the GAIA association and the city of Paris.
The construction of the Multisports Gym keep mooving !
Only one month until work is finalised.
In the remit of the Urban farming 48h organised by La Sauge, several innovative projects to vegetalise the city have been introduced during the official opening evening.
It was for us the moment to talk about our project of Vertical farm in Romainville !
Away from all the controversies, alongside the Gaia association we commit ourselves to purposing architectural answers to reducing the risks that drug users are exposed to whilst also taking into account the public security.
In this way, our expertise has to go beyond a simple « management » in the handling of addiction. Painful and serious subject, this major problem of public health has to be thought-out in a human way in the broad sense… resident included !
. It is in this context that we think this place, by sequencies, as so much entrances permiting to accompany serenely the dependant users, since the street to their unit dedicated.
On the occasion of the press conference organised by Romainville this Thursday, 4th of february, we have the pleasure to publicly announce that we won the Romainville Urban Farming Competition.
Long wished for by Corinne Valls – Romainville’s mayoress – and her team, we hope this virtuous project will see the daylight as soon as possible !
Last Saturday happened the Torcy Island Alley official opening took place and was organised by Marne-la-Vallée conurbation committee.
On that occasion, we introduced publicly our Torcy Canoë Kayak Club’s nautical pole. Entirely built of wood, the nautical pole will be at the heart of an exceptional landscape site showacsing the ecosystem of the Marne riverbanks. Overhanging on the riverbanks, the diverse body of the building are placed in order that they evocate a fisherman village built on piles.
Fundamentally an ecologic conception, the new nautical pole is also the first Ile de France handikayak structure.
Our greenhouse project progresses and flows like water. ;)
Further to our agronomist partners, we contemplate to define the functional specification of the agricultural cultures soon.
Next step, the reconditioning of the Freycinet barge !
We are not far from the enclosed stage !
The firm CMF, expert in the horticultural greenhouses environment, prepare the installation of chevrons and ventilation openings after having succesfully installed support posts.
Next week, we will see the implementation of polycarbonate panels selected to clad the greenhouses.
The Vincennes Floral Parc construction site is progressing; we can now appreciate the Japanese-inspired structure dating from 1969.
Façade being assembled
The last step before the completion of the new biomass boiler ... It will soon take part in the Camille Claudel Eco-quartier in Palaiseau, which is currently under construction. Assembly of the facade began today. The slatted panels arranged in cladding along the concrete envelope will create an undulation responding to the place !
A handi-kayak point in the Ile-de-France region in Torcy
If one project is important to us, it is the one we delivered last year to the attention of the TCK canoeing club (Torcy Canoë Kayak).
Labeled Point Handi-Kayak Francilien, the site is open to able-bodied people of all levels, as well as users with disabilities.
We enjoyed working with the team members and thank them for citing us in their article.